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18-летняя Минни задержана и отправлена на реабилитацию из-за пристрастия к марихуане, чтобы ее мучили электричеством доктор Тампа и Майя Фаррелл ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО в

#SocialAwarenessPorn.com - “Cash For Teens” is based on actual events in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. Judge’s Mark Ciavarella & Michael Conahan conspired with a private prison company to help keep cells occupied with teens arrested for infractions such as mocking an assistant principal on Myspace in exchange for monetary kickbacks. Both judges were eventually found out and convicted. Attorney/Co-Owner of the 2 facilities at the heart of the scandal, Robert Powell, pleaded guilty to failing to report a felony and being an accessory to tax evasion conspiracy. This movie is a creative interpretation of that story over 12 scenes. #CriminalJusticeReform This is Minnie Rose's story about how the poor teen was arrested for the petty crime of possession. She is strip-searched, thrown into the court system, and left to fend for herself against a legal system stacked against her. From the jail staff to the judge, to the doctor and nurse,

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